

报告题目:Computing ground states of spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates by the normalized gradient flow




时间:20201128(周六) 上午10:00 - 11:00


腾讯会议ID764 689 015 




报告摘要:In this talk, an efficient and accurate numerical method is proposed to compute the ground state of spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) by using the normalized gradient flow (NGF) or imaginary time method (ITM).  The key idea is to find three additional projection or normalization conditions based on  the relations between chemical  potentials for the five projection parameters used in the projection step of the NGF. Hence, together with the two other physical constrains given by the  conservation of the total mass and magnetization, these five projection parameters can be  uniquely  determined. The backward-forward finite difference method is then proposed to discretize the resulted NGF/ITM.   Extensive numerical results on ground states of spin-2 BECs with ferromagnetic/nematic/cyclic interaction and harmonic/optical lattice/box potential in one/two dimensions are reported to show the efficiency of our method and to demonstrate some interesting physical phenomena.


报告人简介:袁永军,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,入选湖南师范大学“青年优秀人才”世承人才计划。2007年本科毕业于湖南师范大学大学数学与应用数学专业,2012年博士毕业于湖南师范大学计算数学专业,导师为谢资清教授;20126月至201510月先后在北京计算科学研究中心与新加坡国立大学从事博士后研究工作,导师为包维柱教授;201511月进入湖南师范大学工作至今。主要从事微分方程数值解方向研究,在非线性偏微分方程多解计算和玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚数值模拟方面取得一定研究成果,相关结果发表在 Physical Review Letters SIAM Journal of Scientific ComputingMathematics of Computation  Physical Review A 等杂志。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和面上项目各1项。



