南京信息工程大学校庆科技活动月——特邀数学与统计学院Istvan Mezo教授做学术报告


报告题目:The restricted partition lattice

报告人:Istvan Mezo教授



主持人:刘文军 教授

欢迎广大师生踊跃参加! 报告人简介:

Istvan Mezo, Hungarian Mathematician, got his PhD in Enumerative Combinatorics.

He had been working at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, and after a two years Prometeo Professorship in Ecuador he started to work at NUIST (2014-).He has published 60 papers, and received about 390 citations. Some papers have been published in: Journal of Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Transactions of the AMS.

报告摘要:For the convenience of the audience, we first introduce the basic notions of lattice theory along with the classical example of the P_n partition lattice and the Divisor lattice. Then we describe a new construction, the restricted partition lattice, and study its main properties and its differences from P_n. At the end of the talk, we give some interesting open questions for further study.
