

    题目TitleAsymptotic Expansion at Infinity of Exterior Solutions to Lagrangian Mean Curvature Equations

    报告人(Speaker:保继光 教授(北京师范大学)

    报告时间(Time2020825日上午 900(北京时间)

    方式(OnlineZoom会议 ID: 696 1544 3190(密码:623317 

    摘要(AbstractWe obtain the asymptotic expansion of solutions under quadratic growth condition of a class of Lagrangian mean curvature equations  in exterior domain, where  satisfies a given asymptotic behavior at infinity. When  is a constant-near infinity, it is not necessary to demand the quadratic growth condition anymore. These results are a kindof exterior Liouville theorem, and can also be regarded as an extension of theorems of Pogorelov, Flanders and Yuan on Monge-Ampere equations and special Lagrangian equations.

    报告人简介保继光,二级教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为偏微分方程,主要涉及几何、材料和生物等领域,在Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Calculus of Variations and PDE's, Advance in Mathematics, Journal of Functional Analysis, American Journal of MathematicsTransactions of the American Mathematical Society等国际高水平刊物上发表70余篇论文。


