特邀澳大利亚西澳电力Yun Li教授来我校做学术报告


报告题目:Road Show to Statistical Climatology

报告时间20190927(星期五) 9:30-11:00


报告主持人: 曹春正 教授


Statistical climatology is an important branch in the climate science research. It focuses on statistics applications to problems in past, present, and future climates. Because climatic processes and phenomena are not observed everywhere at all times, it is often difficult to detect meaningful climatic signals in both space and time. By using both traditional and innovative statistical methods, climatologists are able to detect and quantify rates of climatic change, estimate the probability of extreme events, and reveal uncertainties in our current understanding of climatic processes and models. In this talk, a brief introduction of the statistical climatology and its application is to be given with focuses on climate variability, trend detection, teleconnection, nonlinearity and extremes. Some perspective research topics of the statistical climatology are also discussed.




